Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's a Crazy World

Let me start off this entry by singing "Happy birthday" to my dear momzy.
Birthday Song
I'm not specifying how old she is, for she would not want me to do that, lol. Well she's already got her presents opened, I got her a pretty pair of sunglasses. My older sister got her a candy bar and my older brother got her a movie "The Patriot"(I personally like that movie myself). My younger sister didn't get her anything(she's at camp duh). My mom loved all her presents. It really made her day, because nothing but disaster has occured today.

Well the morning wasn't a disaster, but she did have to take me to a 4-H activity and my older sister to hospital volunteering. The 4-H activity I did was making t-shirts, I'm wearing one right now.

Now onto something horrible...while I was at home later today, we got a phone call from my mom(she was somewhere with daddy). She said she had gotten a call from my sister's summer camp. It seems this little buddy of mine cut her foot on something and had to go get stitches. EIGHT WHOLE STITCHES. Bug Eyed Ouch. Poor Sis(11). The bad news is, for two whole weeks, sister(11) has to hobble around on crutches with her foot all wrapped. Please pray for her speedy recovery. And pray that doesn't happen to me next month. Blushy

Well, I'm relaxing right now. Don't have much else to say, but here is part two of my mini Barbie movie:

~The Authoress


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