Monday, September 12, 2011

Return of the Playlist

Yes, very awesome no? Here's the story: So I was feeling really bored with my music so just stupidly logged onto Mixpod and deleted the old playlist on here! After awhile my bloggie got kinda quiet so I decided to create a new playlist. And that I have. It is on my sidebar(it's too clear not to notice right?) and it's on random shuffle. You can scroll through and if you see a song you like, go ahead and play it. I don't mind. It's just a bunch of random-no-nonsense songs on there, Disney if you are obsessed like me, Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia if you are in the mood to escape to fantasy, Barbie Rapunzel and Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper(love that movie) if you need something pretty and magical to listen to, and if you just want to relax, there is some nice quiet piano music as well.

That's all I wanted to say.

~The Authoress


Sarah Demens, The Character Queen said...

Oh, why, fun. ;)
Good choices, BP!


Haley said...

I love Lord of the Rings! :) Btw thanks for commenting on my blog. ;)


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