Every creature is stirring, even a mouse. Sorry, I couldn't resist to use that rhyme. So yeah! It is past Christmas, and let me tell you, it was the probably the best Christmas I've had in awhile. I got some awesome stuff this year. My little sis got me a pair of headphones, blue ones to be exact. Although I requested a pair of pink sparkly ones, I'm ok with the ones she got me. My bro was home for Christmas, and he got me a sweater/shirt with Christmas mittens on it. It's very warm and cozy, I like wearing it. I also got another pair of clip-on earrings from my older sis, and a Pinkie Pie plush from my parents. Yeah, if you haven't figured out by now, I absolutely LOVE My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Don't bash me on the brain for liking it, I've already had enough of that from some people...
Anyways, back to my presents. The Pinkie Pie toy wasn't the only thing my parents got me. No, I also found something incredily awesome in one of those bags addressed to me. Something I've been wanting for a long time. Remember how awhile back in one of my posts that I mentioned wanting the Sims 3 game? Well, my mom obviously must of been reading that one, because that is what I found wrapped up in tissue paper in a Christmas bag. Ok, so just telling you, I went absolutely crazy upon finding the game and just, like started screaming in glee and even fell onto the ground rolling around. I was just so surprised, I mean, I wasn't even expecting that to be one of my presents, yet it was! So now you know why I haven't been posting as much lately, I've been rather obsessed with the game. Here, let me show you some pics I took:
Mommy Alisha reading little Elijah a story. How adorable! |
Alisha making some Autumn Salad. |
Ah Elijah, I see a bright future in music for you! |
Alisha in her pajamas, cooking up some breakfast. |
I see you in there! |
David being a cutie |
I have lots more pics, but I figured I might show you a few from one of my families. If you want to see more, just tell me and I'll have some more pics for you all to see.
Today is the last day of 2012. Sigh...at least we made it through the dreaded "apocalypse". I was just getting used to this year, now it is leaving. I'm staying up until 12:00 tonight to ring in the new year. I do that every year, normally I wouldn't, but I'm older now and I like doing that kind of thing.
Welp, I guess that is it for now. I really don't feel much like talking right now, is that weird? Bye.
~the Authoress